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Semi-pro Footballers Jailed for Drug Conspiracy

6 June 2024

Six former semi-professional football players have been jailed for their parts in a conspiracy to supply over 2.7 tonnes of cocaine.  The organised criminal gang, headed by Adam Pepera, used encrypted messaging and a network of storage units to supply cocaine worth in excess of £200m.  One of the gang members, Luke Skeete, was initially stopped by police in possession of 8 kilos of cocaine. Analysis of his phone, and extensive investigation, led to police uncovering the wider network involved in the enterprise.  Pepera received a sentence of 24 years, reduced from 29 years for his guilty plea, with sentences for the others ranging from 13 years to 18 years 9 months.  

James Brown, leading Phoebe Bragg, appeared on behalf of the Crown. The case was investigated by the Metropolitan Police's Specialist Crime Unit and prosecuted by the CPS.