Criminal Appeals Department
Instructed by Peters & Peters, Ria worked in-house within the Remediation Unit of Post Office Ltd, concentrating on criminal appeals relating to ‘Horizon’ evidence. She provided advice in relation to whether convictions had been obtained through abuse of process, co-ordinated multiple aspects of post-conviction disclosure to individuals, other prosecuting bodies, the MET Police and the CCRC. She also liaised directly with the Ministry of Justice in the lead-up to the introduction of the Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Act 2024.
Murder, Conspiracy to Pervert the Course of Justice
Ria was led by James Scobie QC of Garden Court Chambers and instructed to represent RK who faced trial for Murder and Conspiracy to Pervert the Course of Justice. It was alleged that RK and one of his co-defendants jointly attacked the deceased and then spent days covering up the death, ultimately setting fire to the deceased’s body in a public park. Shortly before trial, the Crown accepted a guilty plea to Manslaughter and Perverting the Course of Justice.
Possession with Intent to Supply Class A Drugs
Ria was instructed to represent ZW who was the sole tenant of a property where a significant quantity of Class A drugs were found. Ria successfully argued that a video ostensibly showing ZW preparing crack cocaine was inadmissible, leading to the video being excluded and the Crown offering no evidence.
Conspiracy to Supply Class A & B Drugs (Operation Ushanka)
Ria represented HS in a three-week multi-handed trial (one of five tranches) involving 29 defendants alleged to have been part of a lengthy conspiracy to supply Heroin, Cocaine and Cannabis at street level.
Conspiracy to Murder
Ria was led by David Nathan QC of 33 Bedford Row and instructed to represent DB in a ten week trial involving two allegations of conspiracy to murder and alternative offences of Conspiracy to Cause GBH with Intent and Conspiracy to Possess Firearms with Intent to Cause Fear of Violence. The Crown’s case was that DB had been enlisted by the first defendant to carry out contract shootings on behalf of a senior gang member residing in Turkey and operating on an Encrochat phone. DB was acquitted of all conspiracies arising from the allegations of planned contract killings.
Conspiracy Class A Drugs & Firearms
Ria was led by James Martin in this multi-kilo Class A drugs conspiracy involving firearms. The case featured extensive Encrochat, probe and surveillance evidence.
Supply of Class A Drugs
Led by James Martin representing D1 in an alleged multi-kilo conspiracy to supply Class A drugs, featuring extensive telephone evidence.
Violent Disorder
Represented D2 in a multi-handed Violent Disorder. Successfully applied to exclude all gang related bad character evidence.
Drug Importation
Instructed to represent D in an alleged importation of 3 kilos of Cocaine.
Instructed to represent D in an alleged s18 Wounding with Intent and Affray.
Represented D2 in a series of moped enabled robberies. Case involved EMS electronic tagging evidence as well as telephone and cell site evidence.
Represented D in Newton Hearing in relation to a series of Aggravated Burglaries of sex workers.
Acquitted of Fraud after successful submission of no case to answer.
Disclosure review
Instructed by DWF as part of a team of junior counsel writing reports, drafting witness statements and conducting disclosure review for one of the public bodies heavily involved in the Grenfell Tower Inquiry.
Multi-handed Fraud
Ria Banerjee was led by Matthew Buckland (Carmelite Chambers) in an eight week trial representing D1 in a ten-handed conspiracy to defraud members of the public of c. £½ million through the operation of a call centre selling products that did not exist or were never provided.
Violent Disorder
Instructed in multi-handed violent disorder arising from an Attempted Murder. Acquitted after trial.
Successfully applied to exclude all Police Officer identification evidence in Robbery matter.
Successful application to dismiss in alleged Affray captured on CCTV.
Acquitted of Affray following successful submission of no case to answer. Acquitted by jury of Dangerous Driving.
Multi-handed Class A Drugs Conspiracy
Irshad Sheikh led Ria Banerjee defending D1 in a multi-handed five week Class A drugs conspiracy. D1 was regarded as the leader and wholesale supplier of multiple kilos. The trial lasted five weeks and involved extensive surveillance evidence, probe recordings, call and cell site data.
Ria Banerjee acted for this defendant who was charged with Robbery. Successful submission of no case to answer on the basis of DNA evidence.
Knife point robberies
Ria Banerjee successfully represented a defendant charged, with others, of a series of knife-point robberies of taxi drivers. Successful applications to dismiss on the basis of identification and cell site evidence.
Threatening with a bladed article and Affray
Ria Banerjee acted for a defendant charged with Affray and Threatening with a Bladed Article. Crown’s case consisted of a live witness stating that the Defendant threatened him and his friends with a knife. Incident captured on CCTV and mobile phone footage. Defendant gave a no comment interview with no solicitor present. Acquitted of both charges after trial.
Threats to kill
Ria Banerjee secured the acquittal of this defendant charged with Threats to Kill where it was alleged that, whilst making the threats, he was wielding a machete. Extensive cross-examination of three civilian witnesses.
Sexual Assault and Outraging Public Decency
Ria Banerjee acted for this defendant who faced charges of Sexual Assault and Outraging Public Decency. The defendant is blind and alleged to have inappropriately touched four women on the Piccadilly Underground Line on two separate dates, in very similar circumstances. Defence was that the touching was not sexual. Argument for separate summary trials contested by the Crown but acceded to by the District Judge following submission of a detailed skeleton argument and lengthy oral submissions. Defendant acquitted of both charges after two separate trials.
Harassment whilst on life license for murder
Ria Banerjee acted for this defendant who was charged with harassment and on life licence for murder. Facing significant consequences in terms of parole if convicted of the offence. Acquitted after trial following lengthy cross-examination of the complainant and legal submissions involving various authorities on “a course of conduct amounting to harassment”.
High profile Historic Sex Abuse
High profile historic sex abuse case. Ria Banerjee assisted with legal research and formed part of the Defence team led by Sarah Forshaw QC. Defendant acquitted after trial.
Possession of a bladed article in public space
Ria Banerjee successfully secured the acquittal for this defendant who was charged with Having a Bladed Article in a Public Place, namely, a Samurai sword on Dartford High Street. Evidence from a Police officer that he was waving the sword around. Incident captured on CCTV.
Attempted robbery
Ria Banerjee acted for this defendant who was charged with Attempted Robbery. Complainant was an off-duty prison officer who gave evidence to state that the Defendant had threatened to stab her and take her handbag. Successfully opposed the Crown’s bad character application to admit the Defendant’s previous convictions for Robbery and Attempted Robbery to correct a false impression. Acquitted after trial.
Affray and Possession of an Offensive Weapon
Ria Banerjee secured the acquittal for this defendant who was charged with two counts of Affray and Possession of an Offensive Weapon. Incidents captured on CCTV. Defendant gave a no comment interview.
Committal for Sentence
Ria Banerjee represented six defendants in a Committal for Sentence where each client was facing a sentence of immediate custody. Succeeded in a legitimate expectation argument, which led to the Judge imposing Community/Suspended Sentences.
Chambers of Sarah Forshaw KC &
Mark Heywood KC
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