Six-handed murder
Catherine Farrelly, led by John Price KC, prosecuted this six-handed murder trial which concluded with all six defendants being convicted of murder.
Catherine Farrelly, led by John Price QC, prosecutes two males convicted of murder.
Large Scale Frauds
Catherine Farrelly prosecuted male convicted of large-scale frauds.
Catherine Farrelly prosecutes male convicted of rape.
Rape and sexual abuse by male in his 60s offering “sugar daddy” arrangements with teenage girls
Charlotte Newell QC and Catherine Farrelly successfully prosecuted professional male in his 60s who groomed and abused a series of young girls offering “sugar daddy” arrangements, deploying BDSM abuse and introducing his brother into “threesome” sexual activity.
Double Rapist
The prosecution of a male for two separate rapes involving significant violence. It involved contested, and successful, application for joinder and complex issues in relation to character evidence.
Sexual Abuse of Children
The prosecution of one of the most prolific offenders investigated by the NCA who was responsible for the on-line sexual abuse of 52 children. The case concerned complex issues in relation to the indictment, given the significant number of complainants involved.
Commercial Burglary
Prosecution of twelve defendants in relation to a string of high value commercial burglaries involving the theft of rare and precious books. Led by Catherine Farrelly.
News reports:
The Feltham Book Heist
Leading Charlotte Hole. The prosecution of 12 defendants for a number of high-value commercial burglaries, including the theft of rare books by Isaac Newton & Francisco Goya. The prosecution arose out of a JIT (Joint Investigation Team) with Romanian and Italian law enforcement and concerned legal issues in relation to the admissibility of extraterritorial evidence and the presentation of a significant amount of telephone and cell-site evidence. The case attracted considerable interest in the national and international press.
Led by John Price QC. The prosecution of four men for murder. The case involved a significant amount of telephone and cell-site evidence.
Led by Crispin Aylett QC. The prosecution of three men for murder.
Internet Banking Fraud
£500k internet banking fraud against elderly victims by bank employees. Catherine Farrelly led Charlotte Hole, instructed by the CPS International Justice and Organised Crime unit, prosecuting 4 defendants following an investigation by the National Crime Agency Cyber Crime Unit . The case centred around the activities of two men who worked at high street banks who assisted another in creating a significant number of sham bank account for the use in a transfer fraud, raising legal issues about the definition of ‘criminal property’ under s.340 POCA 2002.
Prosecution of £90,000 Grenfell fraudster
Catherine Farrelly successfully prosecuted a man who ran up nearly £90,000 in accommodation and travel costs, after pretending to be a victim of the Grenfell Tower tragedy.
He was sentenced to four years and six months imprisonment.
The news report may be found here.
Rape of 13 year old school girl
Catherine Farrelly prosecuted this matter in which the defendant grabbed a 13-year-old schoolgirl off the street and filmed himself raping her. He was jailed for 11 years.
Series of Sex Attacks by Uber Driver
Catherine Farrelly prosecuted this Uber driver whom was sentenced to 12 years for rapes and sexual assaults. Hussain lay in wait outside popular London bars looking for drunken women to rape, preying on women leaving pubs in Shoreditch, in the east of the capital before attacking them as they slept.
Sexual Assaults on own family members
Catherine Farrelly prosecuted this "persistent and manipulative” paedophile who carried out a series of sexual assaults on 6 of his own family members. He was sentenced to 18 years.
Revenge Stabbing
Catherine Farrelly was prosecution Counsel in this trial of two defendants for the pre-meditated revenge stabbing of another in connection with a drug-deal gone awry. The case involved the analysis of a significant amount of telephone evidence in addition to expert cell site and voice recognition evidence.
Rape & False imprisonment of 16 year old girl
Catherine Farrelly was instructed for the Prosecution of this defendant for false imprisonment and three counts of rape involving a daytime attack on a 16 year old girl.
Historic Sexual Assaults
Catherine Farrelly led Paul Jackson in the prosecution of a defendant who, over the course of a number of years, had sexually abused five very young children who suffered from various learning disabilities. The case involved the review of a significant amount of social services and educational material and close liaison with the appointed intermediary. The defendant was sentenced to 22 years’ imprisonment with an extended licence of 6 years.
Catherine Farrelly was instructed in the defence a young man charged with two counts of rape.
Rape of daughter
Catherine Farrelly was instructed for the Prosecution of a defendant who had raped his daughter from the ages of 13 to 15 years, using sex toys and other implements during the course of the abuse. The case involved very sensitive handling of the complainant. The defendant was subsequently sentenced to 20 years’imprisonment.
Rape & Kidnap of 15 year old girl
Catherine Farrelly was instructed for the Prosecution of a defendant who kidnapped a 15 year old girl off the street and then repeatedly raped her.
Attempted Murder
Catherine Farrelly leading Senghin Kong in this prosecution of 6 defendants on charges including attempted murder, possession of a firearm with intent to commit robbery and conspiracy to rob. At the close of the prosecution case the learned Judge upheld submissions of no case to answer on the charges of attempted murder and possession of a firearm with intent to commit robbery. As a result the prosecution appealed this at an expedited hearing. The Court of Appeal allowed the prosecution appeal and the trial continued on all charges. Leveson LJ gave the judgment of the court reported here. The 6 defendants were eventually convicted of possession of a firearm with intent to commit robbery and conspiracy to rob. The case involved complex cell site evidence and legal argument. Guardian report here.
Catherine Farrelly led Ben Holt for the Crown. Defendants were charged with arranging co-defendants to take driving test on behalf of other people. NCA investigation, instructed by the Organised Crime Group at the CPS.
Possession of loaded firearm with intent
Catherine Farrelly was instructed in this Prosecution of a defendant who was charged with possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life and possession of ammunition. He had been stopped by police shortly after climbing over garden fences in east London and then disposing of a loaded firearm, fitted with a “silencer”. The case involved protracted legal argument over the admissibility of DNA and GSR expert evidence, all of which was ruled admissible.
Supply of Cocaine
Catherine Farrelly was instructed for Prosecution in this cases involving four defendants in relation to the supply of 1 kilogram of cocaine with an estimated street value of £100,000.
Gangland stabbing
Catherine Farrelly led Valeria Swift instructed by the prosecution, in this 6 handed conspiracy to commit GBH, which included a premeditated attack on another youth, his stab wounds close to his heart which were very nearly life ending. This case required expert analysis of telephone evidence which equated to over 20,000 pages. Defendants convicted of conspiracy.
Chambers of Sarah Forshaw KC &
Mark Heywood KC
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