• 5 King's Bench Walk, Temple, London EC4Y 7DN
  • T: +44 (0) 20 7353 5638
  • Out of Hours: 07738 328059
  • DX: LDE 367 London
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Practice Profile

Jason primarily practices in crime with extensive experience in criminal and civil fraud (including money laundering, bribery & corruption) as well as regulatory and disciplinary litigation.

A leading junior who is regularly instructed to lead other barristers in complex and heavyweight fraud and conspiracy cases, he is regularly instructed to advise companies and their senior officers as well as individuals to assist on matters of corporate criminal liability and duties under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, Money Laundering Regulations and the Bribery Act 2010. He specialises in giving early pre-emptive advice as well as representation. Most recently, his advice, drafting and representation resulted in the FCA withdrawing an investigation into a high net worth investor, classifying him as a potential witness.

Jason began his legal career as in-house Counsel in a mid-size city law firm, specialising in commercial litigation with an emphasis on international contractual disputes and alternative dispute resolution.

He is a registered lawyer with the Football Association.

Jason also advises and assists in large scale commercial disputes and arbitrations, and has particular experience in disputes arising from complex engineering and information and technology contracts, including those with an international element.​

Jason's Privacy Policy can be downloaded here.


Attempted Rape Acquittal of all Charges

9 April 2024

Jason Cross represented a client accused of attempted rape. After a 7 day... Read More