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Charlotte Newell KC

"Her advice and guidance were spot on at every stage and she was tactically astute."Chambers UK 2024

Call 1994    Silk 2020

Practice Profile

Charlotte Newell KC is an experienced criminal practitioner, ranked in Chambers & Partners UK Bar and Legal 500 Guides, who has established a substantial criminal practice prosecuting and defending at the very highest level with particular expertise in Prosecution and Defence in cases of homicide.

Charlotte has developed a formidable practice appearing in cases of the utmost gravity in the Crown and Appellate Courts and has with particular expertise in the Prosecution and Defence of serious sexual allegations and cases involving young and vulnerable witnesses. Charlotte is known for early and thorough case preparation as well as an incredible attention to detail, an approachable but no-nonsense advocate who regularly wins praise from the judiciary and those that instruct her. Charlotte is also regularly instructed in multi handed allegations of fraud and money laundering.

Charlotte has a proven track record of successful pre-charge engagement; advising those who have been arrested and awaiting charge on strategic lines of investigation and the drafting of representations to Police and Crown Prosecution Service in order that allegations do not proceed to Court.

Charlotte has led witness familiarization and cross examination training for witnesses in multi-million pound civil litigation.

She is committed to continuing professional education, maintaining and promoting the high standards at the Bar retaining its role as a specialist profession of advocates. To that end, Charlotte has been a pupil supervisor since 2005 and many of her pupils have gone on to take tenancy. A member of the Criminal Bar Association Education Committee, Charlotte is involved in the organisation of lectures, conferences, seminars and webinars to the criminal Bar, notably the renowned bi-annual CBA sexual offences conference. Charlotte recently delivered training to RASSO on s41 YJCEA 1999.

Charlotte Newell is an advocacy trainer for Grays Inn, has lectured the Criminal Injuries Compensation Appeal tribunal on the handling of vulnerable advocates and is a lead facilitator in the vulnerable witnesses advocacy training scheme.

Charlotte's Privacy Policy can be downloaded here.


Coercive Control, Child Cruelty and Assault

25 April 2024

Charlotte Newell KC represented a man charged with coercive control,... Read More

Honeytrap Murder

11 December 2023

5 people jailed for killing Vishal Gohel in "honeytrap" murder.... Read More

Five Found Guilty of ‘Honeytrap’ Killing

13 July 2023

Charlotte Newell KC led Simon Wilshire of 4 Breams Buildings in the... Read More

Sixteen people convicted in a major CPS complex casework prosecution

10 May 2023

Charlotte Newell KC led Patrick Duffy of 23 Essex Street and secured... Read More

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